Supplemental Plots on
Trajectory Specification

This webpage provides supplemental plots for the following papers on Trajectory Specification by Russ Paielli and Heinz Erzberger from the Aviation Systems Division at NASA Ames Research Center:

The length of journal papers is limited, and only a few plots can be included. However, many interesting plots were generated for visualizing aircraft trajectories, air traffic, and the conflicts to be resolved in the simulation. A sampling is provided below in the form of pdf files. These plots are useful for documentation, engineering analysis, algorithm development, and software testing.

The best way to view these plots is with your pdf viewer in a mode in which you can use the right-arrow, down-arrow, or page-down key to advance one full page at a time (rather than scrolling). Depending on the pdf viewer that you are using, that may require downloading the file and/or selecting a viewing mode such as "full screen" or "fit to screen".

Airspace Route and Traffic Plots

Arrival Spacing Maneuvers

Conflict Resolution Maneuver Candidates

Pairwise Conflict Resolution

Simulated Traffic Motion

The following plots show the planview geometry of air traffic encounters at constant velocity (i.e., constant speed and direction). These trajectories are based on idealized velocity vectors with no tolerances and are therefore not representative of trajectory specification, but they are useful for illustrating the basic geometry of air traffic encounters.

Constant-Velocity Encounters

All plots shown in the links above were generated with my open-source software package called "Physical Scalars and Plotting Tools in Scala," which provides a Scala API for the free GRACE plotting package.

POC: Russ Paielli ( remove the dash)